Holstein shows and judging programs across Canada provide the perfect venue for young leaders interested in the marketing and promotion of the Holstein breed to continue and learn through hands-on experience at various shows and events across Canada. More than 300 shows are held each year with more than 200 youth shows held to help young leaders learn how to properly prepare and fit animals prior to the show; proper show ring techniques and practices; and good sportsmanship through fun competition.

Holstein Canada is proud to sponsor the two largest dairy youth shows in Canada:
Canadian 4-H Dairy Classic Show
The Canadian 4-H Dairy Classic is held annually at the Royal Agricultural
Winter Fair bringing together 4-H youth from across the country together in
an atmosphere of spirited competition and sportsmanship. First held in 1979,
this celebration of youth has utilized an enormous amount of resources from
all of the contributors to this special event. After thousands of ribbons
and prizes, tons of food and beverages and hundreds of hours of volunteer
work hours, the ultimate reward is the smiles of accomplishment that it
brings to the faces of the competing 4-H'ers.
Western Canadian Classic
The Western Canadian Classic (WCC) is hosted each year by one of the four
western provinces. A total of 100 young adults and youth between the ages of
12-21 take part in many competitive activities. These activities include
clipping and judging, showmanship and conformation classes, a dairy science
quiz and a stall competition. During the five-day competition, competitors
also participate in fun activities planned for them in the evenings. The
purpose of this competition is to provide an opportunity for our youth to
improve their skills in leadership, teamwork, citizenship and public
speaking. During this event they have the opportunity to meet new people and
to stimulate and maintain interest in the agriculture industry.
National Judging Convention- Young Leader Program
The National Judging Conference, held every three years, now also includes a
Young Leader Program. Following a successful pilot year in 2014, each
province selects one young leader (19-30 years old) to attend and
participate in the conference. The provincial young leader representative
will be someone who demonstrates interest in the judging program either
through actual judging experiences or regional/provincial judging school