Holstein Canada Board of Directors
Holstein Canada members are represented by a twelve person member-elected Board of Directors that guide, direct, and represent the membership in all decisions at Holstein Canada.
Holstein Canada members are represented by a twelve person member-elected Board of Directors that guide, direct, and represent the membership in all decisions at Holstein Canada.
Feel free to contact any of the following Directors if you have any comments, questions, inquiries, or feedback you'd like to provide:
*Click on images to view Director profiles.To bring the voice of breeders in British Columbia to Holstein Canada. Also, to maintain open communication, promote the industry, and encourage youth and young breeders to stay active and get involved.
- Brian HammingPartnership with wife Mary-Ann and daughters, Jennifer & Heather.
"Keep Holstein Canada relevant for our members in the dairy
Topics to be investigated in the future:
- Doug Peart
Married to Jennifer Mungham; they have four daughters.
"Holstein Canada’s first responsibility is to its members. We must provide the tools and promote efficient dairy management practices, while also promoting the advantages of the high producing Holstein cow. We must work with industry partners for the advancement of clear and useable information delivered directly to our members. We play an important role in shaping the cow of the future and her impact on the world.”
- Angus MacKinnon"Maintain communication between Holstein Canada and Branches. Expand cooperation between industry partners and Holstein Canada.”
- Willem Vanderlinde"My vision firstly is that Holstein Canada in collaboration with industry partners promote and provide services which will enhance the management efficiency of all dairy farmers and secondly that Holstein Canada continues to support programs which encourage youth engagement.”
- Harold SweetnamDennis and his wife Cindy have 2 sons, both married, and 3 granddaughters and 2 grandsons.
"My vision for Holstein Canada is to maintain communication between Holstein Canada and its provincial Branches and, in turn, the member producers across the country. Additionally, I feel I can bring perspective as a producer operating with robots; insight that will be increasingly important as our industry continues to change quickly, as more and more dairy producers are installing robotic equipment in their operations.”
- Dennis WerryNancy farms with her husband, Don Johnston, son Kevin, and daughter-in-law Tammy. Her daughter Merina is the General Manager of Holstein Ontario and lives with her partner Matt McEwen in Kingston, Ontario.
"I believe Holstein Canada should be relevant and responsive to all dairy producers.”
- Nancy Beerwort My personal Vision for Holstein Canada is to retain membership
through transparency and open communication with members.
Promoting collaboration to ensure sustainability will be top
of mind, especially considering the challenges 2020 has
brought to our industry. I believe that working in concert
with our Sister Breeds will contribute to the Association’s
Vision of a "Healthy Dairy Industry For All”.
Married to Helene Gagnon; they have two daughters, Anne Sophie and Alice.
"Holstein Canada needs to focus on the following:
- Gilles Côté
Benoît co-owns the farm with his brother and cousin. He is married and a father to two sons.
"The herd is the most important asset on a dairy farm. My objective is for Holstein Canada to become a vital tool for all Holstein dairy producers in Canada and to help them succeed and promote this asset.”
- Benoît Turmel"I would like to better understand the ongoing challenges other Provinces face in the Dairy Industry, and find a way to work hand in hand to further our passion and help the world understand what we do.”
- Sylvie MahannahKaren farms with her husband Paul Gaunce and she has 4 children who are involved with the farm.
"I would love to see more involvement from members at Holstein events and for all breeders across the country to see the value in HC services to make their herd more profitable.”
- Karen Versloot